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Book Genre : Fiction 

Book Genre : Fiction 

Book Descriptions

Book Descriptions

Set in the near future, an assertive Indian government is determined to regain territories lost to the Peoples' Republic of China after the disastrous 1962 Sino-Indian war and subsequent Chinese intrusions

Tibet is to be liberated as well, to right an old wrong.

To this end, a young Tibetan woman, a student from the Tibetan diaspora in India is recruited and trained in espionage by India's premier spy agency to infiltrate her ancestral homeland

to gather humint on Chinese activity along the Line of Actual Control between the two sides which would back up data gathered by India’s spy satellites and other electronic methods.

Discovering some shocking information, the novice spy makes it back after a harrowing experience with news that alarms New Delhi.

She is tasked with returning on an even more dangerous assignment which, if successful, would result in Tibet's freedom and the return of Indian land.

She is eager to comply, for not only is her heart with her ancestral homeland but also with a young Tibetan resistance leader!