“Exploring the Power of a Well-Balanced Mind: An Interview with Author Priya Narayan”

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Book Description:
Your entire life is a beautiful journey. Failure is not the opposite of Success; it is a part of Success. We have not heard of anyone to date in this world who has never seen defeats and has seen only victories all through their lives. Both victory and defeat are a part of our life. If this is the nature of every human life, then why define our happiness from a narrow perspective, on victory and defeats? Instead, let us give our best, enjoy the journey and not get too worried about the outcome.
This book has many real-time short stories that will help you analyze your life and rewire your thinking, which will elevate the quality of your life as you experience your entire life through your mind. As you get to do this daily, your thinking pattern changes, and you will start noticing the changes in your mind. It will start being in a balanced state most of the time during the day, and it gets stronger with practice. A well-balanced mind is a foundation for every human life to accomplish anything.
Clever Fox Publishing: Tell us something about your background.
Priya Narayan: This is me, Priya Narayan. I am from Nilgiris and from a humble family. I have an MBA and am a deputy general manager in a multinational software company. I have traveled to many countries for personal and professional trips and dealt with hundreds of people. Like most of you, I juggle many things, like managing the house, my profession, and my passion for spirituality. I am an avid reader, and I have read hundreds of books on well-being to acquire knowledge on the tools and techniques to have a well-balanced mind. I have practiced spirituality for many years, implementing the methods daily.
Clever Fox Publishing: When and how did you start your writing journey?
Priya Narayan: I handle large teams in my job, so I taught these concepts and motivated them when I saw them stressed and struggling with their day-to-day life. That’s when one of my team members approached me and said, ‘You should think about writing a book on all the simple concepts you tell us daily, which has made much difference in our professional and personal lives.’
He told me this a few months ago, and this idea occasionally came to mind. ‘Why can’t I write a book that will help many people in a similar situation like mine, where they can take these simple concepts to improve the quality of their lives and lead a happy life, which is the very purpose of human life.’
That’s when one fine day, I wrote a small blog and sent it to a close circle of friends who really liked it; this encouraged me to write more, which is the result of this book.
Clever Fox Publishing: What is your book all about?
Priya Narayan: This book has many short, real-time stories to help you analyze your life and use the techniques provided in this book to lead a better quality of life. As you get to do this daily, your thinking pattern changes, and you will start noticing the changes in your mind, where it will start being in a balanced state most of the time during the day, and it gets stronger with practice. A well-balanced mind is a foundation for humans to accomplish anything.
Clever Fox Publishing: What prompted you to write this book?
Priya Narayan: The simple techniques of spirituality have helped me immensely to lead a blissful life for so many years, so I want to share the same with this world and help people live happily in their daily life, which is the highest form of success.
Clever Fox Publishing: How was your pre-writing experience? What urged you?
Priya Narayan: I am not from a family that has authored any book to date, and I didn’t have anyone to guide me. I had apprehensions about whether I could write a book and share these practices with this world. However, I could not wait to become an expert and start this journey. I have to start this journey from my current level for me to improve and become better. So I just went with the flow, not bothering much about the outcome.
Clever Fox Publishing: How was your writing experience? Smooth or bumpy?
Priya Narayan: This book has many short real-time incidents, where while writing, I visualized how it happened in my life, and it was an exercise to analyze the way I handled that situation earlier and how will I take it if they were to occur today; I enjoyed the experience of writing this book.
Clever Fox Publishing: How much did your publishers contribute? Did they ease the process for you?
Priya Narayan: As this is my first book, I was unaware of the publishing process, and there were too many unknowns. I got the proper guidance from the publishers and the support to publish this book successfully.
Clever Fox Publishing: What is the reaction of your family and friends to you writing this book?
Priya Narayan:There were surprised and in disbelief, whether they heard me right. There were all proud of me for publishing a book, as this was the first time someone had authored a book in my family.
Clever Fox Publishing: Mention the people who supported you in this journey.
Priya Narayan: I want to thank my parents, husband, kids, and friends, who realigned their priorities to enable me to publish this book. I want to thank James, Vinodha, and Pawan from the Cleverfox team for patiently answering all my queries on the publishing process.
Clever Fox Publishing: How is your book going to impact the readers?
Priya Narayan: This book talks about simple things which we face in our daily lives. We need to fix our daily lives to achieve big things in life. This book has tools and techniques; more importantly, we tend to remember when something is said in the form of stories. So the message the readers would take from this book is not to wait for some big things to happen for us to be happy, but instead live happily every single day.
Clever Fox Publishing: How do you deal with negative comments if any?
Priya Narayan: This is my first book; when I got the idea of authoring this book, the thought crossed my mind, ‘Will people like this book?’ People might read books from authors who have already achieved much, and here I am, still improving myself, and so many other similar thoughts debating whether I should author this book. Then I had to educate my mind that this is a step that I am taking to spread positivity in this world; let me go for it; some may like this book, and some may not; that’s how life is, and I should be comfortable with people on both sides.
Clever Fox Publishing: Who are your literary mentors and role models?
Priya Narayan: As I mentioned earlier, I did not have any mentors for authoring this book. I admire people in my daily walks of life who handle things with a serene personality; those people are all my role models.
Clever Fox Publishing: What are your upcoming writing ventures?
Priya Narayan: I would write more books for sure. I want to go in-depth into spirituality as I gain more experience daily.
Clever Fox Publishing: Any piece of advice for our aspiring writers?
Priya Narayan: My advice for aspiring writers would be not to wait become an expert in authoring a book. Start from the current level, and you will improve as you repeatedly do things. Stay calm about the negative comments. People have opinions based on their personality, which has nothing to do with you. Enjoy the journey of authoring. All the very best!!
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