CASB Result 2023: Download IAF Agniveervayu 01/2023 Phase 2 Admit Card

CASB Result 2023 Download: Indian Air Force (IAF) has released the admit card of Phase 2 exam for candidates who have cleared the CASB Phase 1 exam on its official website ( Candidates who appeared in the IAF Agniveer Phase 1 exam can login to the account and download the IAF Agniveer Result 2023. CASB Phase 2 Admit Card link available till 23 February 2023.
Below is the IAF Agniveer Login Link. Candidates can login using their email id and password. After adding additional details you can download CASB Agniveer Admit Card.
The official website says, ”Admit Card for Tag-II Phase Test of Agniveervayu 01/2023 is available at Candidate Login [Click Here]. Admit Card can be downloaded after providing ‘Additional Details’. Admit card download link will be available till 23 February 2023. Candidates have to fill the ‘Additional Details’ and download the admit card within the specified time.
Candidates can check their IAF Agniveer Phase 2 2023 Exam Date and Time on their Admit Card. As per the official notification, candidates should report on the scheduled date and time for Phase-II at the designated ASC with the IAF 01/2023 Phase 2 Admit Card and the following documents:
Color print out of duly filled application form downloaded after completion of online registration.
HB pencil, eraser, sharpener, glue stick, stapler and black/blue ballpoint pen for writing.
Eight copies of non-attested passport size color photograph (which was used for online application registration).
Original and four self-attested copies of Matriculation Pass Certificate (necessary to verify candidate’s name, father’s name and his/her date of birth).
Original and four self-attested photocopies of matriculation marks sheet (applicable only to three-year diploma students when English is not a subject in the diploma course).
Original and four self-attested photocopies of Intermediate/10+2/equivalent pass certificate and mark sheet.
CASB Phase 1 Exam held in January 2023.