The National Book Trust of India meticulously planned and executed the New Delhi Book Fair 2024, which commenced on February 10. Literary lovers from all walks of life came together for this exciting event, including writers, readers, and publishers of many genres. Amid a multitude of people Clever Fox Publishing stood out, presenting a compelling lineup of gifted writers and their engrossing books. Emotional intelligence coach and podcaster of “The Journey Within” Ms Shobha Rana Special Guest Joined At this Event.
In this dynamic atmosphere, Clever Fox Publishing took great pleasure in introducing the voices and narratives of these gifted writers to the world. The book is co authored by 15 certified numerology, A highlight of the fair was the launch of Numbers Do Wonders by Jhhilmil M Shah on February 15, 2024, adding an extra layer of excitement and enrichment to the literary event.
In addition to being an accomplished numerologist, Jhhilmil M Shah has a diverse background that spans across industries, cities, and experiences. With a post-graduation in audio-visual production from Symbiosis (Pune), certification as a radio jockey, and training as a salsa dancer, she brings a unique perspective to numerology.
Numbers Do Wonders is a comprehensive guide to the profound world of numerology, offering a transformative journey through the intricacy of numbers. Authored by Jhhilmil M Shah, an entrepreneur and seasoned numerologist with over 12+ years of experience, this book serves as a roadmap to decoding the intricate patterns of life.
Numbers Do Wonders stands out for its accessibility and clarity, which simplify difficult ideas for novices and offer in-depth explanations for those with some prior numerology expertise. The book explores the importance and meaning of each of the nine fundamental numbers in numerology and offers detailed instructions for developing a deep understanding of one’s life’s purpose and the way to fulfilment.
With thorough explanations, real-world examples, and perceptive interpretations, readers are given a comprehensive grasp of the ways in which these numbers may influence relationships, destiny, and personality. Numbers Do Wonders looks at the ways in which the harmony of numbers may impact both personal and professional relationships, offering resources to improve communication with others. This book provides helpful advice for handling difficult relationships, finding the right partner, and enhancing family dynamics.
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